Breakaway Properties serving Upstate South Carolina
with clean affordable rental homes



We Are Local

Breakaway Properties is located in the small community of Sandy Spings just west of Anderson, South Carolina. We are local and understand the needs of the local communities.


We offer single family and small multi-family homes in Anderson, Oconee, Abbeville, and Greenwood counties.


One Stop ApProach

We use a one-stop approach to solving issues and helping our tenants. We will not run you through the wringer and send you to one department after another trying to find you an answer.



With over 20 years experience, we know that one method does not fit all tenants. 


For example, if you want to communicate by calling and talking to a real person, we do that. If you want to text with your phone, we do that. You prefer email instead? Yes, we do that too.